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Ninon Duret



- Provence - Destination - Moody - 


photograhe mariage avigno

My name is Ninon I’m a photographer and videographer.

The things that I like are music, tattoos, plants, climbing, garage sales, retro gaming, concerts and festivals.

I am moved by everything new, innovation, old things and small meaningless details.

My motto is discovery, sharing and love

My pics style is called by some ‘moody’, others call it ‘drama’. What so ever I try to bring intimacy and emotions into my photos. They are often composed with dark and warm tones.

I love traveling, wondering around places and for your project, I will always (love youuuuuuuuuu) figure out a way to join you.

Qui suis-je?


Your weeding is a unique moment. You will probably want to remember it your whole life.

My goal is to make you cry once more when you have reached an old age sitting next to your lover in front of a chimney fire in an old wooden house looking at those memories (do you get the picture?).

If you are a fun couple, maybe a little childish that like to tease each other or even a completely crazy couple…

We are made to get along and I’d loooooove to get to know you more!


En famille, en couple, entre amis, pour un EVJF ou un EVG, ou encore seule pour le plaisir ou pour reprendre confiance en soi, les occasions ne manquent pas pour faire une séance photo à Chateaurenard ou Avignon !

Notre vie est précieuse et il ne faut rien perdre des moments heureux que nous vivons !

Une séance photo avec moi ça se passe à la cool, avec de la musique et des rigolades! Que ce soit en extérieur, en Provence et au coucher du soleil (ma signature!) ou encore à votre domicile, mon but c'est de créer des images qui vous ressemblent vraiment !

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